Active and Healthy Aging

Name: Active and Healthy Aging
Code: ENF13720D
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Nursing

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


The UC makes it possible to understand the impact of population aging on societies and to analyse models of Active and Healthy Aging, factors that determine the functionality of the elderly with a view to Active and Healthy Aging.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The objectives of the unit are: to understand the impact of population aging on societies; Analyze Active Aging models; Analyze the determinants of the functionality of the elderly with a view to AA; Analyze AA promotion programs; Discuss the place of health education for AA.
The analysis must be framed in a perspective of Well-Being, which allows the understanding of the phenomenon, with the contribution of transdisciplinary areas. Social and health determinants are included, as well as regional, national, international and global policies to increase conditions for adopting positive lifestyles.


1- Context of population aging
2- Aging and life Course
3- Model of active aging ( WHO, 2002); Model of heathy aging (WHO, 2015)
4- Aging and functionality
5- Health, Wellbeing and Aging
6- Active aging promotion programs
7- Place of Health Education in the promotion of AA

Teaching Methods

The themes will be developed in expository sessions with the active participation of students. Structuring documents will be made available before the sessions so that there are conditions for effective participation. There will be sessions directed by the students where they expose / stimulate the class.
The final evaluation will include a written exam or an individual assignment (80%). Attendance will also be considered in the final grade as well as student driven (20%).

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )