Project Planning and Management

Name: Project Planning and Management
Code: GES13975D
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The course as it covers the analysis of project planning and programming under deterministic and stochastic conditions. On the other hand, it places great emphasis on planning and management of the financial and budget components.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The mais objective of this course is to prepare doctoral students for the management of research projects.
In terms of results, we expect that the students with this course:
- Learn how to plan and manage projects on a timely and financial basis through appropriate techniques.
- Use specific project management software.
Besides that, we expect that students develop the following skills:
* Ability to build and apply project planning, management and control models
* Ability of abstraction and critical spirit
* Ability to speak, to write and to transmit and receive ideas and information.
* Ability to use specific project management software


1. Project planning, programming and control
2. Project programming with deterministic durations
3. Project programming with stochastic durations
4. Project planning and financial management
5. Presentation, resolution and discussion of research project exemples

Teaching Methods

The teaching process will be organized in theoretical / practical sessions.
The theoretical component will be supported by traditional classes, with board and slide projection. Theoretical concepts are illustrated with empirical examples. To streamline sessions
and stimulate student criticality, some practical topics will be discussed with students, either individually or in small groups.
The use of specific project management software will be emphasized for practical demonstration of its use in research projects.
The evaluation will consist of a practical work, which using specific project management software.