Seminary of Research Methodology in Psychology

Name: Seminary of Research Methodology in Psychology
Code: PSI14251D
Duration: 15 weeks/468 hours
Scientific Area: Psychology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Curricular unit from the 1st year/1st semester

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Learning outcomes
To know the research methodologies in Psychology and their framework
To know the diversity of quantitative and qualitative research designs
To Know methods for collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data in Psychology

To integrate theory, methods and techniques for generating and analyzing data with research results, considering sampling, the nature of the data, as well as issues of internal and external validity of the studies
To read critically and autonomously articles published in academic journals relatively to methodological aspects
To conduct quantitative and qualitative data analysis


1. Epistemological framework of empirical research in psychology
2. Formulation of research problems and empirical research designs
3. Exploratory factor analysis and vs. confirmatory factor analysis)
4. Multivariate statistical techniques
Generalized linear models
Discriminant analysis
Multiple linear regression models
Logistic regression models
Structural equation models
Bayesian statistics vs. significance level, effect size, and statistical power
5. Development and validation of psychometrics instruments
6. Systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis techniques
7. Qualitative research in Psychology
General research strategies: (auto)biographical studies; action-research; consensual qualitative research
Collecting data techniques
Cluster analysis in qualitative research
Trustworthiness criteria in qualitative research and the inter-coder reliability
8. Guidelines for research publication

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodologies:
Classes involve a mix of oral presentations and critical reflections on the syllabus topics. These reflections are based in the analysis of scientific articles and quantitative and qualitative data analysis in data sets.

Evaluation methodologies:
In order to facilitate the link theory-practice, students will carry out two practical assignments (50% of the final classification for each one) involving relevant methodological subjects for the preparation of their doctoral thesis. During these practical works, data analysis, whenever necessary, will involve the use of specific software.