Epistemology of Science

Name: Epistemology of Science
Code: FIL13966D
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Philosophy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


To understand the fundamental problems of the epistemology of science, in particular, the foundation, methodologies, justification and progression of scientific research.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1.To understand the fundamental problems of the epistemology of science, in particular, the foundation, methodologies, justification and progression of scientific research.
2.To understand the contributions of the History and Philosophy of Science, and the Studies of Science and Technology to the comprehension of epistemological issues and problems.
3.Address the epistemological issues inherent in research, both disciplinary and multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary.
4.To understand and address the issues of specific epistemologies.
5.To understand the dynamics of scientific communities and the processes inherent in the globalization of scientific research.


1. Contemporary Epistemology and the contributions of the History and Philosophy of Science, Studies of Science and Technology.
2. The Scientific Revolution and its repercussions. The unit of knowledge and the organization of the disciplines. The problem of demarcation: science and common sense, religion, art and power.
3.Beliefs, methodologies, scientific truths and justification. The epistemological virtues. Normal science, controversies and innovation.
4.The scientific veracity: the logical-formal, empirical and hermeneutic dimensions. Practices and ‘trading zones”. The logic of discovery and of justification. Personae, objectification and ontologies.
5.Special epistemologies: the epistemologies of the social sciences, of life sciences, of engineering and technologies, of arts. Interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity.
6.The dynamics of scientific communities an the challenges of the globalization of science: problems of culture, functioning and scientific et

Teaching Methods

Methods: 1.1 Lessons and expositions by the teachers; texts’ interpretation and commentaries; 1.3 critical reviews; 1.4 debates.
Evalution: 2.2 attending to specific debates; 2.2 presentations and research discussions; 2.3 writing exercises; 2.4 final exams; 2.5 oral interrogations, if necessary.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )