Advanced Training in Veterinary Immunoalergology
Curso de Formação
Ano Letivo 2024/2025
Course Overview
In view of the advances in scientific knowledge also observed through the different veterinary areas, the need for specialization is also growing. These professionals? demand for clinical practice in the field of immunoallergology is also increasing. Facing the relative absence of specific training in immunoalergology, offered in the veterinary field, and given the frequent cutaneous symptoms in allergic animals, the current most requested area of specialization taking care of allergic conditions, especially in companion animals, has been the dermatology. However, evolution of knowledge in the field of immunology applied to allergic conditions is very expressive, requiring a higher level of specialized skills, to establish a more precise diagnosis, leading to a more rational and efficient therapeutic approach. Promotion of this knowledge, evident in this advanced training in veterinary immunoalergology, promotes the training of veterinary professionals to address immunoallergic conditions in a more up-to-date manner, allowing them to continue to evolve in line with the evolution of scientific knowledge in the area. Professionals acquiring this training will therefore be able to approach suspected cases of allergy with greater success, diagnosing and considering the most efficient therapeutic options for each case.
Organic Unit:
School of Science and Technology
12 Weeks/2 ECTS credits (2 required in curricular units)
CNAEF Areas:
- Veterinary (640)

For Whom
Individuals with a graduate degree in veterinary medicine, veterinary nursing or others associated with a research interest related to veterinary immunoallergology (eg medicine and nursing). Individuals holding other related training may be admitted, upon analysis on a case-by-case basis.
Vacancies and Applications
Tuition Fees
Information not available.
Course Committee
Information not available.