Public Space and Educating City

Name: Public Space and Educating City
Code: FIL12739L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Philosophy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Objectives of the curricular unit:
1. To recognize the connection between city, public space and philosophy;
2. To base the claim to reconfigure the public space and dwell in the city;
3. To address some questions about the educational-cultural intervention
4. To analyze intervention practices (local, national, European context)
5. To participate in the field activities in order to develop forms of cooperation and teamwork, to promote
organizational skills, to manage time and to explore strategies of ideas and/or projects in groups and
The skills to mobilize and acquire are of two types: critical and argumentative, such as understanding,
interpretation and correlation of matter; constructive-relational, the ability to talk, listen, review the personal
positions and acquire a cultural critical view.


I. The political paradigms of ancient Greece and the city's educational role
II. The city in literature: free reading
III. The challenges and commitments of the educating city
IV. The cultural dynamics of public space
IV.1 urban condition and plural societies: the new intercultural maps
IV.2 human Rights and the building a new culture of peace
IV.3 active and responsible citizenship: significant educational learning
IV.4 contemporary claims for recognition and cultural emancipation
IV.5 appropriation of public space: new articulations and cultural visibilities
IV.6 the end of public space and the cultural problem
V. Laboratory projects
V.1. Case studies ( local projects, national, European )
V.2. Test intervention practices

Teaching Methods

A. Theoretical and practical classes (45h): reading and commentary of texts by teachers and students - active
method. The matter referred to in the first three points of the program (I,II,III) will be addressed by critical reading
texts, identification of issues and their discussion.
The evaluation is carried out by means of a test frequency that contributes 50% to the average of the final grade.
B. Laboratory Lessons (15h): practical sessions based on participation in planning constructive and informative
debate- active method.
The evaluation is carried out through the realization of dynamic group session providing a public debate, which
contributes 50% to the average of the final grade.
Sharing of relevant educational experiences will be encouraged throughout the activities.
The evaluation focuses on the continuous regime - presence and participation, teamwork and frequency), but it
admits, according to the R.A., the final assessment with examination test (100%).