Studies of Culture and Iberian Contemporary Though II

Name: Studies of Culture and Iberian Contemporary Though II
Code: FIL12736L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Philosophy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. Identify characteristic aspects of Iberian culture.
2. Clarify the historical importance of the Spanish thought.
3. Understand the meaning of Unamuno’s concept of "hispanidad" having his philosophical conceptions as
4. Know some fundamental dimensions of J. Ortega y Gasset’s philosoph


I – Iberian culture: in and out of an European peninsula
II – Humanist roots of Spanish contemporary thought
III – The tragic nature of existence and the idea of "hispanidad" in Miguel de Unamuno
IV – J. Ortega y Gasset: life as radical reality and as art
V – Ortega’s discipleship and its importance in the Iberian cultur

Teaching Methods

a) Exposure (to introduce the themes and issues to discuss);
b) Hermeneutics of texts;
c) Discussion and argumentation;
d) Written and oral tests
Given the specific formative purposes of the Course, this Curricular Unit has 15 hours of field work (identified as
hours TC), in which we will develop the teaching activities identified in the Academic Regulation (artº 86º -8) as
sessions dedicated to learning and application of knowledge. Because we understand field work in broad
meaning, we include in it both the hermeneutical practices of texts that we register as a method b) and possible
workshops in close collaboration with cultural institutions that are partners of the University of Évora for the
achievement of this degree.