Elements of Portuguese Geography

Name: Elements of Portuguese Geography
Code: GEO01636L
Duration: 15 weeks/130 hours
Scientific Area: Geography

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


It addresses concepts of space/time and the aspects that characterize the territory portuguese both physical (relief and climate) and human (characteristics of the population and its distribution).

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course aims to help to understand the space and territory.
To represent the space according to the study object.

To understand the relationship between Man and Nature in geography.
To provide generic knowledge of the most outstanding features of the portuguese territory, both in the physical aspects (relief and climate) and in the human aspects. In the practical lessons, it is intended that pupils work on the reading and interpretation of maps and on the development of methods and techniques of collection, treatment and graphical representation of data.


Geographic space: spaces and scales.

The importance of cartography in Geography
Time and space.
Man and the transformations of the space

The portuguese territory and its position

Physical characteristics of the territory.

Physical conditionings and historical evolution of the supports of economic activities.

The population

The settlement.

The cities.

Portuguese geographic regions.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical lessons aided with audio-visual equipment.

Realization of some exercises in order to apply data collection methods and to practise handling and representation of some geographical features.



Two written theoretical-practical tests or one final examination.

Recommended Reading

ANDRÉ, I.; PATRÍCIO, C. – As diferentes imagens da Geografia in Finisterra, vol.XIX, nº38, Lisboa, 1994, pp.257-264.

BAILLY, A.; BÉGUIN, H. – Introduction à la géographie humaine, Masson, Paris, 2001.

BEAUJEAU-GARNIER, J. – Geografia Urbana, F. C. B., Lisboa,1983.

DAVEAU, Suzanne - Portugal Geográfico, Edições João Sá da Costa, Lisboa, 1995.

MEDEIROS, Carlos Alberto - Geografia de Portugal, Editorial Estampa, Lisboa, 2000.

MEDEIROS, Carlos Alberto (Dir.) - Geografia de Portugal, Circulo de Leitores, 4 vol., 2005-2006.

RIBEIRO, Orlando - Portugal, o Mediterrâneo e o Atlântico. Esboço de relações geográficas, 4ª ed., Lisboa, 1986.

SALGUEIRO, T. B. – A Cidade em Portugal, Afrontamento, Porto, 1992.

SOEIRO DE BRITO, Raquel, (direcção) - Portugal, perfil geográfico, Editorial Estampa, Lisboa, 1994.


Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )