Companion Animal Medicine II

Name: Companion Animal Medicine II
Code: MVT14089I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Veterinary Medicine

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Provide the student with the necessary knowledge to integrate knowledge learned in previous UCs, to elaborate differential diagnoses, establish a diagnostic plan, definitive diagnosis, define therapy to be instituted, prognosis and adequate prophylaxis.
Promote autonomous and inclusive learning, research and group work skills.
Allow the development of clinical reasoning through the monitoring of real clinical cases (within the scope of the Service of External Consultation and Internment of Companion Animals of the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Évora - HVUÉ), under the supervision of UC teachers.
Promote, through its direct use in hospitals, the familiarization of students with the different means of complementary diagnosis most frequently used.
Promote communication skills, among peers and with the general public, and the development of professional ethics.


Clinical approach to neurological disease; diseases of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves.
Clinical approach to anemic patients. Etiologies, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
Clinical approach of cancer patients. Paraneoplasic syndromes. Therapeutic options and chemotherapy agents. Chemotherapy metronomic. Pain handling in oncology. Frequent neoplasms and therapeutic protocols.
Clinical approach to patients with dermatological disease. Physiopathology, clinical signs, differential diagnoses, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in microbial, allergic, autoimmune, endocrine and keratinization disorders.
Clinical approach to the patient with ophthalmic disease. Ophthalmic diseases: diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

Teaching Methods

Theoretical introduction (T) of the areas of specialty, etiologies, specific clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Study oriented to deepen theoretical knowledge and streamline clinical reasoning.
Theoretical-practical (TP): presentation, exploration and discussion of clinical cases at HVUÉ ,. Monitoring of hospitalized animals at HVUÉ. Presentation and discussion of cases. Assistance to 75% of TP classes to obtain UC attendance.

Continuous assessment of the weighted average between T and assessment (85%) and TP assessment (15%).
Theoretical knowledge will be evaluated through 2 interim evaluations or exam (normal season), in written form.
Theoretical-practical assessment includes attendance and active participation in the activities and work proposed by the teachers.
The assessment by exam consists of tests to assess written and / or oral knowledge, referring to the subject T and TP.
Approves with a minimum rating of 47.5% in 100% in each of the evaluations.