Sanitary Inspection I

Name: Sanitary Inspection I
Code: MVT14050I
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Veterinary Medicine

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To promote the future veterinarians' civic and social awareness of their responsibility in deciding to approve food for human consumption.

To develop observation skills and a critical sense of medical facts that allow assessing the suitability of meat from ungulate animals for human consumption.

To know:
the legislation applicable to the Sanitary Food Inspection in an integrated perspective, covering aspects related to the salubrity and genuineness of food, the control of zoonoses, hygiene and training of professionals in the food sector;
the current concepts of food safety and slaughter operations;
the rules of animal welfare in transport, slaughterhouse and slaughter;
the characteristics of the normal meat and the altered meat.

To know and execute the procedures of sanitary food inspection and of the control of by-products.

To have the competence to decide on the suitability or not of meat for human consumption.



1- FOOD HYGIENE AND SAFETY: Food Safety in Europe and the World; Food hazards.
2- SANITARY INSPECTION OF MEAT OF UNGULATES: Volume of slaughter, consumption of meat and self-provisioning in Portugal
Transport of animals;
Slaughterhouses and slaughter operations;
Animal by-products;
Ante-mortem inspection; In-and-post-mortem inspection;
Abnormal meat and non-specific abnormalities
Specific pathology
Legal and scientific framework of inspection criteria.


1 – FOOD HYGIENE AND SAFETY: General rules for food analysis; Applicable microbiological criteria; Research of parasites in meat.
Study and analysis of the legislation in force. Official food control plans.
2 – SANITARY INSPECTION OF MEAT IN SLAUGHTERHOUSES OF UNGULATES: Slaughterhouses; slaughter and carcass processing operations; Ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection procedures. Classification and handling of by-products.

Teaching Methods

The theoretical classes will be taught following the exhibition method with the support of audio-visual techniques and stimulating the participation and intervention of students.
Practical classes are articulated and complement the theoretical classes. A small part takes place in the laboratory and classroom but most of them take place in slaughterhouses, simulating the activity of Sanitary Food Inspector.
The teaching/learning process is based on the individual work of the student, supported by the recommended bibliography, notes collected by students in classes and research conducted individually.
The assessment is done through two individual written tests for students who choose the continuous assessment or an individual written exam for students who choose the final assessment. All students must take an individual oral test at the slaughterhouse.
The final score results from the arithmetic mean of the written test and oral test.
In any regime, students must attend 70% of classes