Parasitic Diseases I

Name: Parasitic Diseases I
Code: MVT14046I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Veterinary Medicine

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Students are encouraged to:
1. Acquire specific knowledge of different parasitic diseases with an interest in animal production and public health, which allow understanding and applying strategies to assess the condition of animals or populations, with the aim of drawing up plans adjusted to each situation;
2. Develop capacity for interpretation, reflection and work in the field of parasitic diseases.
3. Develop the ability to carry out information searches, given the need to answer specific questions. In the end, students should be able to perform the various routine techniques for preparing biological material for the diagnosis and evaluation of individual or herd situations; relate what was found with the subjects taught in class, with bibliographic research,
reaching a possible resolution of the problem; synthesize in a report the various steps in the analysis, resolution and monitoring of the parasitic process, communicating and discussing it orally.


Theoretical and practical knowledge of parasitic diseases of animal species used in animal production and related zoonoses. Highlight the etiology, epidemiology, injury, diagnosis, prognosis, morbidity, prevention, treatment and minimization of resistance to antiparasitic drugs and enhancement of the One Health approach.
Within the scope of practice, students develop group activities, in which they are called to solve concrete problems, with the application of:
1. Methods and techniques used in the diagnosis of parasitic disorders
2. Preparation and observation of material for diagnosis of parasitic disorders; interpretation and discussion of results. Understanding the advantages and limitations of each method in specific situations of the MV clinic
3. Adequacy of therapeutic, prophylactic and management procedures leading to the health management of livestock
4. Development of programs for monitoring parasitic health of herds adjusted to the reality of different species and production

Teaching Methods

The teaching sessions are theoretical and practical, combining the concepts with their application to specific clinical situations.
Sessions include solving practical exercises and case studies, with the students participating actively in its resolution and critical discussion.
Students carry out practical group work, where each group takes on the role of a consultancy company whose mission is to help solve a certain decision problem, and to prepare a report that includes analysis of the problem and the recommendations to be applied, in contexts that involve not only the animal but also the environment and other animals in which it is found, as well as on the communication with the owner of the animal(s).
There are two assessment regimes: continuous assessment and final assessment. The final grade gives a weight of 15% to the practical work of continuous assessment, 35% to the practical exam and 50% to the theoretical assessment. In each of the assessment tests the minimum grade of 7.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )