Veterinary Immunology

Name: Veterinary Immunology
Code: MVT14024I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Veterinary Medicine

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The learning objectives are:
• To know the current concepts of immunology;
• To know the various aspects of the immune response;
• To understand the balance of the Immune System in the state of health and disease;
• To learn strategies for modulating the immune response as an instrument in the control of infectious diseases;
• To know the dysfunctions of the Immune System.
• To know the immunological techniques used for the diagnosis of infectious diseases and for the assessment of the animal's immune status.

The skills to be developed are:
• Ability to manipulate laboratory instrumentation and the various immunological and serological techniques applied to veterinary diagnosis;
• Ability to apply the knowledge acquired to the study of infectious diseases, their pathogenesis and their control.


1. Infection and immunity
2. Innate immunity
2.1 Systemic effects of inflammation. Disease
3. Adaptive immunity
4. B lymphocytes and humoral immunity
4.1 Immunoglobulins. Classes and functions
5. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes and cellular immunity
5.1 Antigen presenting cells (APC)
6. T helper lymphocytes and regulation of the immune response
6.1 Cytokines. Th1, Th2 lymphocytes
6.2 Local Immunity
7. Acquisition of immunity. Serums and vaccines
7.1 Classic vaccines. Adjuvants
7.2 Genetically engineered vaccines
7.3 Autovaccines
7.4 Vaccination rules. Vaccine complications
8. Dysfunctions of the immune system
8.1 Immunodeficiency
8.2 Autoimmunity
8.3 Hypersensitivity. Allergic diseases.
8.4 Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases
Anti-species sera. Monoclonal antibodies.
Agar gel immunodiffusion
Complement Fixation
Direct and indirect immunofluorescence
Direct, indirect, blocking ELISA
Inhibition of hemagglutination
Flow cyt

Teaching Methods

Per week there will be a lecture (60 min) and a practical (120 min).
The lectures will be plenary dedicated to the acquisition of concepts and basic knowledge. The practical classes will be practical work developed by students after exposure by the teacher.
Continuous assessment - 2 tests – minimal score equal to or higher than 10 (9.5) in each of the tests.
Exam - written exam. minimal score equal to or higher than 10.
Whatever the chosen regime, students will have to take a practical test, in which they must obtain a minimum grade of 10.
Students who have not attended the minimum 75% of practical classes will have to take an extra exam with a minimum grade of 10. The practical grade will be the arithmetic mean of these two grades.
The final grade 50% theoretical grade and 50% practical grade.
In the Special Season and Extraordinary Season the exam is oral, including theoretical and practical subjects.