Environmental Chemistry

Name: Environmental Chemistry
Code: QUI14174L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Chemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This curricular unit aims to provide students with an introductory view of the main chemical processes that occur in the atmosphere, in aquatic systems and in soils. By the end of this curricular unit, students should know and understand the fundamental concepts and principles of the chemistry of the atmosphere and be able to identify its main pollutants; to know and understand the importance and the central role played by water in the Environment, to recognize the main water quality parameters, to identify the most important water pollutants and to know the most common water treatment processes; to know the general aspects of geochemistry as well as the type and dynamics of the main pollutants present in soil; to know the main remediation processes.


1. Introduction to environmental chemistry
2. Chemistry of atmosphere
2.1. Chemical composition, structure and function; introduction to photochemistry reactions;
2.2. Atmospheric pollutants and its effects; air quality and treatment processes.
3. Chemistry of water
3.1.Physical and chemical properties of water;
3.2. Water cycle;
3.3. Water urban cycle,
3.4. Sources of water;
3.5. Water quality control;
3.6. Main pollutants and their impacts on water bodies;
3.7. Wastewater and treatment processes.
4.Chemistry of soil
4.1. Geochemistry of surface; soil composition; plants growth and trace elements;
4.2. Soil pollution and remediation processes.
5. Atmosphere – water – soil interactions
5.1. Introduction to biogeochemical cycles;
5.2. Environmental fate of some pollutants.
Laboratory lessons: Qualitative characterization of a drinking water (pH, turbidity, conductivity, hardness and micropollutants) and a wastewater (COD, TSS)

Teaching Methods

The teaching / learning is based in the individual work of students, supported by recommended bibliography and notes taken by the students either during classes or through individual research. The lectures are not purely expository, as they are illustrated with the resolution of problems of practical examples which embody the themes developed. Laboratory classes are aimed at providing practical examples that are illustrative of subjects taught in the lectures. Case studies about practical problems and real situations will also be analyzed and solved in class.
The evaluation is carried out with the realization of a written exam (or alternatively two test: mid-term and end of semester) (70%) which is complemented with the classification of lab reports corresponding the work performed in lab classes, as well as the evaluation of the performance during the lab classes (30%).