Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis

Name: Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis
Code: QUI14154L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Chemistry

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

With this CU it is intended that students acquire and develop knowledge and skills on instrumental methods of chemical analysis, that are fundamental and modern, and which are used both in the study of chemical properties of materials and substances, as well as in the identification, detection and quantification of the latter. The learning of these methods (in particular, spectral, electrochemical and chemometric) is expected to be consistent, articulated and relatively complete. In the end, students should recognize the importance and know how to correctly explain each of these methods and, ultimately, they should be able to select and apply them judiciously and appropriately to real problems. Regarding the acquisition and mastery of knowledge and practical skills, it is expected that in the Lab. context they will be able to execute rigorously validate the necessary analytical techniques and procedures, and that they will be able to properly treat and interpret the laboratory data.


Introduction to spectral and electrochemical methods of chemical analysis. Fundamental relationships between electromagnetic radiation and electronic structure of molecular and atomic species and between electrical variables and electrochemical properties of the systems under analysis. Fundamentals, instrumentation, techniques, practical aspects, analytical validation and applications of:
- Molecular absorption spectrometry in UV/Vis;
- Infrared spectroscopy;
- Raman spectroscopy;
- Molecular luminescence spectrometry, with special focus on spectrophotofluorimetry;
- One- and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (1H, 13C, and other important nuclei);
- Atomic absorption and emission spectrometry in UV/Vis, including LIBS, ICP-AES/OES and MIP-AES/OES;
- Atomic mass spectrometry, mainly ICP-MS;
- Electrochemical methods, namely conductimetric, potentiometric, voltammetric, amperometric and coulometric;
- Chemometric Methods / Intelligent Data Analysis.

Teaching Methods

The teaching / learning process will be based on the student's work, through the contents taught and the guidance provided by the teacher, and will include moments of consultation and research. To promote the active and critical participation of students will be used didactic resources and dialectical teaching methods. Theoretical contents will be consolidated in laboratory practical classes (PL). In most PL classes students will have contact with research work and advanced modern equipment.
The assessment will be based on a continuous assessment system, CA (rating of participation/attendance to classes, A, ratings of 3 Frequencies, Fn, each contemplating the contents evaluation of T and PL classes, weighting 70%T and 30%PL, and the rating of a written work, Nte), or a final assessment system, FA (rating A + rating of a final exam, FE, with the contents of T/TP and PL classes, and the rating, Nte). Weighting: AC - A(5%)+F1(30%)+F2(30%)+F3(25%)+10% Nte); FA – A(5%)+FE(85%)+Nte(10%).