History of Physical Activity and Sport

Name: History of Physical Activity and Sport
Code: HIS10684L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: History

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The general aim of this UC is the historical study of physical activity and sport under the
civilizing process. After completing the UC, students should be able to:
- Chronologically locate significant events and actors of the the history of physical activity
and sport;
- To know the physical activities and the sports more relevant at different times and
- To identify and analyze the values attributed to the body and physical activity in different
periods of history;
- To contextualize the phenomena, the actors and the dynamics concerning physical
activity and sport in the social and cultural trends of their time;
- Interpreting the evolving practices and the meaning of physical activity and sport in the
processes of social change;
- To know and to insert the phenomena and the dynamics related to elite sport in
contemporary societies with the political and economic aspects of those societies;
-To Analyze the meaning of the cultural, political and socio-economic establishment of the
Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement in contemporary society; - Understand and
integrate the dynamics and actors of physical activity and sport in Portugal in the European
history of sport and physical activity;
- To understand and analyze critically the historical origins of procedures, functions and
uses of sport and physical activity in contemporary society.
- Intellectuals: to identify the theoretical and analytical models that support the cognitive
objectives and contents of this UC; to develop skills in critical thinking, analysis and
synthesis; to acquire habits of self-study from the appropriate use of information sources
and scientific documentation.
- Professionals and practices: to develop the capacity for analysis and interpretation of
various types of historical documents relating to physical activity and sport; developing the
ability to organize information, to plan and execute a coherent analytical discourse based
on the analysis of a text or document;
- Downloadable: presenting findings in a coherent and integrated way within the discussion
of the contemporary History and Physical Activity and Sport and other related disciplines.


History of Physical Activity and Sport: its goals and functionalities. Basic concepts for the
History of Physical Activity and Sport. A descriptive and / or interpretative History?
1 - The body and physical activity in prehistoric societies. Kinetics and human evolution.
2 - Physical activity and sports in pre-classical civilizations. Enhancement and social uses
of the body.
3 - The major manifestations of physical activity and sport in the classical world. Historical
contexts, meanings and functions attributed to the practice of physical activities. From the
Greek agon to the Roman ludus.
4 - From the Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution. The role of physical activity and
sport in the feudal society. The European Renaissance: a new view on the body and
physical activity. Enlightenment rationalism and naturalism: physical activity and sport in
the new educational thinking. The affirmation of the ideology of progress through physical
activity and sport.
5 - Physical activity and sport in contemporary societies. The sport as a tool of nationalist
disputes and war in Europe. Sport and international relations. Economic, institutional
changes and consolidation of organized sport. Social change, physical activity and sport:
professional sports and leisure industry; the growth of amateur sport; physical activity and
sport in schools; women in sport; physical activity and sport in the age of communication.
6 - The modern Olympic movement: a demonstration cultural relevance of contemporary
history of physical activity and sport. The beginning of the modern Olympic movement. The
Portuguese pioneers of the modern Olympic movement. Critical analysis of the conditions
and determinants of current Olympic movement

Teaching Methods

The teaching and learning process regarding this UC. includes group teaching sessions,
personal guidance and tutorial type of evaluation. This process includes fifteen theoretical work
sessions, where each session will last one hundred twenty minutes. Despite strong theoretical
component, of this UC develop group work will also be used, including research and its
subsequent presentation, making lessons more motivating.
The orientation sessions like tutorial sessions include individual or group, previously marked
with the teacher to clarify questions related to content lected orientation, study or other needs
expressed by students.
Continuous assessment includes the following time points:
1. Individual evaluation, through an frequency;
2. Group evaluation, which includes small research and one larger, about the history of a
sport and its subsequent presentation to the class.
The final assessment consists of making a written exam. To complete UC successfully, all
students must have at least 9.5 points in each of the evaluation moments, as well as follow the
operating standards of the school’s policy, including the attendance of 75% of the lectured

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )