Sports Facilities

Name: Sports Facilities
Code: DES10657L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Human Kinetics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

It is essential the need to create structural conditions and materials to better foster, promote
and provide quality services and a sports physical activities safely.
a) Provide the basic knowledge of framing of spaces and sports facilities;
b) Analyze the various stages of the life cycle of sports facilities;
c) Explain the ways to optimize resource materials used in sports activities.
a) Understand the tiplologias ratings and sports facilities;
b) Mastering the various perspectives and issues raised in the planning, construction,
management and maintenance of sports facilities;
c) Identify the management models of sporting equipping.


1. The types and classification of spaces and sports facilities.
2. Indicators for ordering of artificial sports facilities.
3. Planning methodologies for sports facilities.
4. Planning stages of sports facilities.
5. Main parameters for management of sports facilities.
6. Upkeep and maintenance of sports facilities.
7. Management of sporting equipping.

Teaching Methods

The unit is organized in lectures, tutorials and practical classes in accordance with regulations
of the University of Évora. Lectures are plenary and based on the scientific method,
emphasizing the transmission of information, the interpretation of experimental results and the
stimulation of critical and scientific rigor in students, and practices by performing tasks for the
application of theoretical content. There are set out 30 hours of theoretical classes and 15
hours of practical classes, divided by 15 weeks (3 hours per week). Besides the oral
presentation it is intended through questioning, to control the acquisition of knowledge by
The assessment includes written evaluation through a test frequency or exam and individual
work. All students must be at least 9,5 in each of the evaluation components, otherwise they
cannot successfully complete the UC.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )