Sociology of Childhood

Name: Sociology of Childhood
Code: SOC02425L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


This course uses theoretical-practical classes to explore different exercises aiming the sociological discussion of the child's place and childhood cultures in contemporary society.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Sociology of the Childhood main goal is to provide students with the theoretical, conceptual and methodological tools to a critical understanding, sociologically anchored, on diversity, relativity and complexity around child and childhood issues in contemporary society.
Specifically, by the end of the semester students should be able to:
a) characterize child as a social category and childhood as a generational structure socio-historically constructed;
b) provide critical understanding on the theoretical emergence and consolidation of Sociology Childhood;
c) develop the epistemological, methodological and ethical underpinning of sociological research with children;
d) critically discuss the main axes shape cultures of childhood;
e) review the place of child as social actor within the various constraints and structural possibilities;
f) reflect in a sustain way on the main themes that stimulate sociological debate in this domain.


I - Children and childhood: concepts, images and contexts

II - The sociological construction of child and the emergence of sociology of childhood

III - Epistemology, ethics and methodology in childhood studies

IV - Cultures of childhood (imaginary, consumption, differentiation and inequalities)

V - Child as social actor (autonomy, competences, knowledge and ways of participation)

VI - Childhood: contemporary themes & debates

Teaching Methods

Lectures and practical lessons, tutorial follow up and e-learning solutions.
According to internal regulation, students may choose between a continuous assessment process or a final examination.
Continuous assessment: written examination (40%) and written essay with oral presentation and discussion in (60%).
Final examination: written examination (100%).