Sociological Theories I

Name: Sociological Theories I
Code: SOC02405L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


TSI offers great theoretical formulations integrated in the classic sociological heritage.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The course aims to present and develop synthetic and systematically the major paradigms of classical sociological thought. It is intended that students acquire the following specific skills:

1 - ability to identify the main characteristics of modernity according to different authors

2 - ability to recognize and identify the main contours of the assumptions and paradigms of analysis of classical sociology

3 - ability to relate the different analysis of social reality with the paradigms that gave rise


Introduction: the role of theory in building sociological knowledge

1. Genesis of sociological thought: positivism, evolutionism and social organicism

2. Paradigms founders of sociological thought
2.1 Karl Marx and the paradigm of historical materialism
2.2 Emile Durkheim and the functionalist paradigm
2.3 Max Weber and the comprehensive paradigm

3. Summary and discussion of the legacy of classical sociology

Teaching Methods

This course intends to achieve its objectives through:

a) lectures, in which the teacher transmits synthetic and systematic syllabus.
b) theoretical and practical lessons, in which the teacher involves students in the discussion of texts, dismantling of theories and concepts, etc..
c) an evaluation system that enhances the identification and recognition of the theoretical contents.

Teaching Staff (2023/2024 )