Metamorphic Petrology

Name: Metamorphic Petrology
Code: GEO02679L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Geosciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese


Rocks are only eternal on the scale of human life. In the earth's crust, metamorphoses occur and the rocks, believe it or not, transform! See and perceive in Metamorphic Petrology.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Students should be able to understand the internal geodynamic processes that generate metamorphic rocks as well accounting for the physical and chemical conditions involved. They should acquire skills for macroscopic and microscopic identification of metamorphic rocks; enclose different metamorphic rocks in geodynamic environments; understand the mechanisms of deformation; understand the metamorphic rocks as the result of a complex thermodynamic process.


1 - Overview of Metamorphism and Tectonics;
2 - Introduction to Metamorphism;
3 -Physical Processes of Metamorphism;
4 - Introduction to Phase Equilibria, diffusion, Kinetics and Thermodynamics of metamorphic reactions;
5 - Metamorphism and deformation;
6 - Classification and metamorphic textures;
7 - Stable mineral assemblages in metamorphic rocks,
8 - Metamorphic facies and metamorphic rocks;
9 - Metamorphism of series:
9.1 pelitic;
9.2 carbonated and quartz-feldspatic;
9.3 basic;
9.4 ultramafic;
10 - Very low grade and high grade metamorphism;
11 - Metamorphism, Geochronology and tectonics.

Teaching Methods

A) Theoretical lessons
Theoretical lessons, using audiovisual materials, allowing extensive and active participation of students. The aim is to define and characterize the different variables associated with the petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks according with the global tectonics, by the use of conceptual models, case studies and resolutions of specific problems.

B) Practical laboratory lessons
Practical lessons allowing the macroscopic and microscopic characterization, systematization and petrogenetic interpretation of metamorphic rocks. Resolution of problems.

C) Tutorial orientation.
Monitoring of students performed on the Moodle platform (e-learning).

D) Evaluation.
Continuous evaluation along the semester by two theoretical-practical tests (middle and end of semester) or by theoretical and practical exams (final evaluation 60% theoretical exam + 40% practical exam).