Human Biology

Name: Human Biology
Code: BIO00301L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course aims to raise awareness:
1 The Primate order.;
2 The human evolutionary process.; environmental and genetic factors involved in this process and in present human diversity; introduce students in the most controversial issues in human evolution, such as the evolution of bipedalism, increased brain volume and the origin and dispersal of anatomically modern humans; and provide general knowledge about the anatomy of human skeletal tissues. Ecological framework of human biodiversity.
3. Pathologies Some of the most relevant public health of current human populations


Introduction to the Study of Human Biology: Concept, importance and relationship with other disciplines.
Primatology: Man as a primate. Biogeography of primates: comparative anatomy of locomotion and dentition. Social and behavioral structures.
Human Evolution: hominoids, hominids and hominins; characterization and geographic distribution. The bipedalism: ecological framework and anatomy. The genus Homo and the output of Africa. Our species. Current populations and some polymorphisms.
Structure and Function of cell: cellular homeostasis, cell cycle, signaling and cellular interactions, cell adhesion and communication, extracellular matrix; cell death, stress and cellular adaptation; carcinogenesis and cancer.
Stem cells: the concept, embryonic and adult stem cells, stem cell types. Cloning: types of cloning.
Blood: components (plasma, serum). Elements in the mammalian blood. Hematopoiesis.
Muscle-skeletal apparatus: bones, cartilage, joints,

Teaching Methods

Theoretical and theoretical-practical lectures.
Observation of skeletons and casts of various human and non-human primates.
Visit to Monte Serlvagem (Wildlife Reserve) for observation of Primates.
Visit to the Laboratory of Pathology, Hospital do Espírito Santo, Évora, to observe the processing of tissues in oncology.
Use of video material for some contents followed by discussion with students.
Reading and analysis of scientific articles about evolution and human biology.
Creating and maintaining a Moodle page, where it will be placed materials supporting the syllabus.