Approaches to the environmental crisis and public policy

Name: Approaches to the environmental crisis and public policy
Code: BIO14830O
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: B-learning

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Learning objectives and knowledge to be transmitted:
1. Concepts about environmental and climate crisis;
2. Paris Agreement and greenhouse gas emissions;
3. Citizens, civil society and public opinion
4. Public policies public opinion and participation
5. Climate justice. Meaning and promotion.

1. Identify concepts about environmental and climate crisis;
2. Acquire critical sense regarding the Paris Agreement and greenhouse gas emissions, for a change of behaviour;
3. Recognize and identify the role of citizens, civil society and public opinion in policy making
4. Acquire concepts and practical meaning about climate justice
5. Select and present results on complex global issues, for different audiences in an updated and innovative interdisciplinary perspective.


1. Significance of the environmental and climate crisis (responds to objective 1);
2. Climate change and the Paris Agreement: main obstacles in the fight against greenhouse gas emissions (responds to objective 2);
3. The power of citizens and civil society. The strength and limits of public opinion in the public policy framework (responds to objectives 3 and 4)
4. The promotion of Climate Justice at global and local level (responds to objective 5).

Teaching Methods

CU taught at a distance, via the zoom platform, in synchronous contact sessions with exposure of knowledge and discussion. The didactic resources (e.g., bibliography) will be made available on the moodle platform, in the specific area of the Course, at least two weeks in advance of the classes to which they relate.
Students will have to obligatorily attend 75% of the classes, favoring an active posture with the sharing of ideas.


The evaluation includes the preparation of a written assignment on a topic of student choice within the themes covered. The work may be done individually or in groups, taking into account the universe of students to whom the course is addressed with different cultures and backgrounds.
In their work, students develop observation and research work, being supervised with tutorial guidance. At the end they will make a presentation at a seminar, followed by a discussion.
The work will be evaluated and graded, and the grade must be higher than 10, in order for the student to pass.
During the course the students develop autonomous work, practiced individually or in groups, taking into account the universe of students. Flexibility is required in this matter not harming the students, since the teachers involved have extensive academic experience. However, the evaluation will be discussed and agreed upon with students at the beginning of the course.

Teaching Staff