Design, Evaluation and Monitoring of Policies and Projects

Name: Design, Evaluation and Monitoring of Policies and Projects
Code: ECN13498M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The course Design, Evaluation and Monitoring of Policies and Projects aims to contribute to an in-depth knowledge of theoretical concepts and practical essential to the design process, administration, evaluation and monitoring of public policies and business projects. Particularly with regard to programming, analysis, design and evaluation of policies, projects, mechanisms, instruments and intervention strategies.
This course seeks to ensure the following core competencies: i) The ability to create and design public policies and business projects; ii) The ability to create and manage monitoring systems and monitoring of public policies and business projects; iii) The ability to carry out and coordinate evaluation processes of public policy and business projects.


1) The methodologies and the principles of conception and design of public policies and projects.
2) Needs and difficulties in evaluating projects and public policies.
3) The methodologies and techniques for evaluation of public policies and projects.
4) Strategic options for calibration of policies and projects, consideration of impacts and alternative options.
5) The hardware and software of public policies and projects.
6) Promotion and follow up of projects and public policies.
7) Programming and monitoring plans, policies and projects.

Teaching Methods

This course is taught in order to ensure and demonstrate the strong practical applicability of the scientific fields of public administration and political science. In this sense, the classes, which are theoretical and practical, are taught to ensure a strong link between the theoretical knowledge transmitted with the demonstration and experimentation by the students, of the practical applicability of the specific reality of public policies, policy instruments and projects.
With this purpose, is developed over the course, by students, a practical work consisting on a technical and scientific report, where the theoretical, practical and the methodological knowledge acquired during the course are applied.
Evaluation: i) the continuous evaluation regime: Preparation of a technical and scientific report on the subject under study, with 100% weight on the final grade; ii) The examination regime: Development of a written exam with a weight of 100% of the final grade.

Teaching Staff