Social Sciences and Tourism

Name: Social Sciences and Tourism
Code: SOC10804L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Tourism

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This course aims to highlight the characteristics of Tourism as an area of ​​knowledge. And assess the contribution of the various disciplines of Social Sciences to the construction of knowledge in the area of ​​Tourism.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Introduce students to the epistemological principles, theoretical and methodological underpinning a particular way to look to the tourism phenomenon: the Social Sc.. Intended to sensitize students to a multidimensional and multidisciplinary dialogue that will allow them in the contributions of the various areas of knowledge in the field of social
sciences. The general level is intended to stimulate and develop attitudes of questioning, analytical reasoning, critical and reflective about the tourism phenomenon, epistemologically grounded in the social sciences. Specifically: To characterize the scientific knowledge in all modes of knowledge: Understanding the specificity of the Social
Sc; recognize the multidimensionality of the phenomenon; Familiarization with the epistemological foundations, theoretical and methodological approach in social sciences to the tourism phenomenon, raising awareness of the ethical challenges that arise in the study of the phenomenon in contemporary tourism.


1 - Science and Scientific Knowledge
1.1-Science: Purpose, Scope and Method
2 - Specificity of Social Sciences and Challenges for an Epistemology
2.1 Epistemology and Tourism
3 - The Social Sciences and Studies in Tourism
3.1-Tourism as Science
3.2- The Tourism as an area Multidsiciplinar and Interdisciplinary
3.3-The Sociology and Tourism
3.4- The Anthropology and Tourism
3.5-The Economy and Tourism
3.6-The Geography and Tourism
3.7- The Psychology and Tourism
3.8-The History and Tourism
3.9-The Philosophy and Tourism
4 - Social Sciences, Tourism and Ethics: Issues and Challenges
5 - Education in Tourism

Teaching Methods

Expository method, using the media and an indication of general and specific literature on
theoretical presentation of the guidelines theoretical, analytical and methodological and
systematic discipline and problematization of the syllabus. Method active in theoretical and
practical lessons organized around the discussion of legal texts and other working materials
(films, documentaries, participation in conferences within the themes treated in the discipline); reading, presentation and critical discussion of selected texts about authors, perspectives, and cases of empirical application, presentation and discussion of exercises developed by the students. Interrogative Method, cross the theoretical and theoreticalpractical, encourage active participation of students. In Moodle are available the pedagogical contents, references and support chips helper of the study. Continuous Evaluation: 2 tests (45% + 45%) + 10% participation; Normal Exam and Resource Exam: written test 100%.

Teaching Staff