Spanish Culture

Name: Spanish Culture
Code: LLT10856L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Literature

Teaching languages: Portuguese, Spanish
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, Spanish
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Introduction to Spanish culture and its diversity, through the study of geography, living habits, institutions and artistic manifestations.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To provide students with the basic elements for a critical analysis of the most relevant aspects of Spanish culture, in its diachronic and synchronic perspectives, as well as the influence of Spanish literature and thought in it.


-- Geographical and political structure of Spain.
- Lifestyle and habits: music and folkore.
- Contemporary film making and mass media.
- Spanish literature: main periods and authors.
- History of Spain:
- From pre-Roman Spain to the Catholic Monarchs.
- The Spanish Empire and its evolution during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.
- Contemporary Spain: the 19th and 20th centuries.

Teaching Methods

- Reading and critical review of texts
- Discussion with the students
Assessment follows the norms of the University and the Department Regulations. It is preferably continuous (2 tests or 1 test and project/essay – in any situation each is worth 50%). Students can also sit exam – 100%.
To follow continuous assessment 8 is the minimum compulsory mark in any of the moments.
The pass mark is 10 in both regimes.