Linguistic Studies II

Name: Linguistic Studies II
Code: LLT10797L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Linguistics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Linguistic Studies II is a discipline that aims to provide students with a comprehensive overview of the structure and functioning of languages.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

a) To approach language as an object of scientific study, introducing the different levels of linguistic analysis and associating them with the different linguistic disciplines.
b) Explain the field of research, objectives and main operative concepts of the different levels of linguistic analysis.
c) To develop linguistic observation, description and reflection abilities applied to the analysis and interpretation of constructions and phenomena of a particular language.
d) To develop autonomous research capacities and to apply appropriate methodologies to scientific work.
By the end of the semester, students should be able to recognize language as an object of scientific study and the different levels of linguistic analysis, as well as master the basic operational concepts in each of them. They should also be able to use appropriate methods of description and linguistic analysis, as well as to develop autonomous scientific work.


1.Levels of analysis and linguistic disciplines
2.1.Sounds of speech and sounds of language
2.2.Identification of language sounds
2.3 Phonological processes
2.4.Prosodic elements
3.1.Lexicology and Lexicography
3.2.The lexicon of Portuguese: structure and historical characterization
4.1.Word and morpheme
4.2.Classification of morphemes
4.3.The internal structure of words
4.4.The formation of words
5.From Morphosyntax to Syntax
5.1.Syntactic and syntagmatic categories and categorial selection properties
5.2.Phrase constituents and syntactic functions
5.3.The analysis in constituents
5.4.Simple and complex sentences
6.1.The meaning of words
6.1.1 Semantic relationships between words
6.2. The meaning of the sentences
6.2.1.Semantic relationships between sentences
7.1.Situational context and communicative competence
7.2.The said and the statement
7.3.Indexical pragmatics
7.4.Illocutionary pragmatics
7.5. Conversational Pragmatics

Teaching Methods

Theoretical exposition, with the support of audio-visual means and other materials considered adequate; discussion, with the active participation of the students, of the different topics; performance and correction of exercises in class. The advanced study of subjects is done by means of reading assignments and consultation of specific web sites. Tutorials will provide methodological and bibliographical references to help with individual essays and the execution of tasks and exercises. Promoting the students autonomy, tutorials also provide the students with personalized guidance taking into consideration their specific needs/ competences.
Assessment methods: According to the system in use at the University of Évora and in the Department of Linguistics and Literatures, which supervises the course.

- Continuous evaluation: 2 frequency tests or a written work and a frequency test, valued in 50% each.
- Final exam - 100%

Teaching Staff