Hydrogeological Resources and Geoenergy

Name: Hydrogeological Resources and Geoenergy
Code: GEO13474M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Geology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Understand the genesis, occurrence and the rational use of Hydrogeological and Geoenergy resources, based on energy transition and convergence to a low carbon society.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Understanding the environmental and socio-economic importance of groundwater
Understanding the differentiating nature of hydromineral and thermal resources in the general groundwater landscape.
Demonstrate the processes of characterization of medium and high enthalpy geothermal resources. Understanding the joint processes of flow and transfer of water and heat in the subsurface.
Understanding possible contributions from hydrogeology to energy transition and convergence to a low carbon society.


Module 1 – Mineral and thermal groundwater
Mineral water and geological environments
Groundwater exploration projects for mineral, spring and thermal groundwater
Thermal waters; design of wells for mineral and thermal groundwater.

Module 2 - Geothermal
Geothermal environments; Lindal diagram.
Geothermal heat sources and transfer, quantifying resources;
Geophysics applied to geothermal resources;
Geothermal activity in Portugal.

Module 3 - Hydrogeology in the energy transition
Climate change and emission mitigation objectives
Geological storage of CO2
Geological reservoirs for energy storage
Heat pumps and thermal storage in aquifers.

Module 4 - Groundwater beyond the “resource”
Environmental Hydrogeology; contamination and remediation of aquifers;
Definition of wellhead protection areas; Rational exploitation of aquifers.
Water regulation in Portugal and Europe

Teaching Methods

The theoretical classes include expository content on each of the modules included in the UC program, seeking to encourage student involvement in discussions on each of the topics taught.
The theoretical-practical classes seek to consolidate the principles taught in theoretical classes through thestudy of actual cases. Students will carry out, individually and in groups, practical work on the application of the subject, requesting, when needed, additional guidance from the teacher.

The continuous assessment will comprise two components:
a) comprising the result that the student obtains in individual and group work, its presentation and discussion, with a component of 60% of the final grade;
b) Testing on the contents taught in the theoretical component - with 40% of the final grade.

Students may choose to take only the final exam, covering the theoretical and theoretical-practical components, equivalent to 100% of the final grade.