Biology and Society

Name: Biology and Society
Code: BIO12341L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To know the history and development of ideas and biological thought; main scientific advances in biology, and the impact of their application in society, as well as associated issues of ethical nature.
2. To understand the main applications of biology in curative and forensic medicine, in bio-industries and other branches of biology.
3. To develop capacities in searching information based on modern technologies of communication and information.
4. Improve mastering of the English language applied to biological studies.
5. To master the use of the on-line platform Moodle, in use at UE.
Students who complete this course should: acquire an integrated perspective of Biology, and of the evolution of ideas and biological
thought through time, such as to contextualize its changes and recent advances.


1. History of Biology, main landmarks
2. Theories on the origin and diversity of life
3. Science and Religion
4. Biology of cancer
5. Biology of ageing
6. Stem cells and their potential therapeutic use
7. Tissue engineering
8. Bioethics: cloning
9. Impacts and use of genetically modified organisms
10. Medically assisted reproduction and genetic counselling; ethical implications.

Teaching Methods

Oral presentation, during the first three weeks, on the History of Biology. Establishment aind maintenace of a Moodle page, in which all materials will be placed. Reading and analysis of scientific papers. By e-mail, the lecturer stays in regular contact with the students, making himself available to answer questions and provide advice on information searches which the students may be conducting.

Evaluation (continuous) : each student chooses a topic, from the 10 listed in the program, to be developed as a PowerPoint presentation (e.g.) , which will be evaluated, in its documental format. Grading scale of 0-20 points. Alternatively, students may opt for the final written exam, in the respective period, with questions based upon the 10 listed topics. Grading scale of 0-20 points.