Basic Life Support and First Aid

Name: Basic Life Support and First Aid
Code: ENF14795O
Duration: 15 weeks/52 hours
Scientific Area: Nursing

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To train the general population, in particular employees of schools, nursing homes, among other institutions, to provide first aid to people who need it.
- Performs first aid to victims with specific situations;
- Performs the BLS according to the CPR/ERC rules;
- Uses the AED according to the CPR/ERC rules.


Module 1 - First Aid to the person in situation of:
Fainting/Lipotimia, Acute wounds, Bleeding, Poisoning
Chronic illness (hypoglycemia crisis, convulsions, asthmatic crisis), Heat stroke and cold stroke.
Module 2 - CPR/ERC certified BLS/EAD course

Teaching Methods

Priority will be given to methodologies that stimulate the personal and professional development of students, based on work that stimulates clinical reasoning and the training of practical skills and abilities, the four bases methodology, which is based on simulation as a teaching and learning strategy.


The evaluation method is continuous assessment. Being a b-learning course, there will be online sessions (10 hours) and face-to-face sessions (5 hours). To complete the training it is mandatory the presence of at least 75% of the contact hours and the completion of the practical activities.