Sociology of Sports Activities

Name: Sociology of Sports Activities
Code: SOC11430M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The course aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge about the sociological approach of objects related to sports activities and the management / management / leadership in sports organizations in general, and skills that enhance the implementation of these activities through tools and methodologies participatory strategic planning. Thus, the module 1, students develop language and acquire conceptual schemes that allow them to make a sociological analysis of some of the main objects of the sociology of sport.
With reflection and sharing operated in Module 2, students are able to assess the possibilities of compliance with codes of ethics, fair play and deontology in sports professions. In Module 3, students gain knowledge of sociological theories of organized action and skills to think and plan prospectively sports organizations.

It is intended that the student at the end of the module is able to:
OA1. Understanding the dynamics of sociocultural setting of modern sport;
OA2. Characterize the modern sport and the postmodern sport;
OA3. State the sport-performing features;
OA4. Characterize and explain sociologically contemporary sporting habits.
OA5. Characterize dynamics of social construction of ethics and fair play in sport.
OA6. Assessing the likelihood of compliance with the principles of ethics, fair play and deontology in contemporary professions and sports.
OA7. Assess the interest of strategic analysis for sports organizations, from the understanding of its key concepts;
OA8. Assess the interest of strategic foresight to the management of organizations;
OA9. Manipulate methods of operationalizing the strategic foresight (model of the French School of Foresight).


Module 1: sociological aspects of sport [5 hours]
CP1. Genesis and evolution of modern sport.
CP2. Social functions of sport in modernity and post-modernity.
CP3. Sport-show: genesis and characteristics;
Cp4. Sporting habits: supply, demand and contexts.

Module 2: Ethics and deontology of sport [5 hours]
CP5. The role of ethics and deontology in sport;
CP6. Threats ethics and fair play in sport and in sport management.

Module 3: Sociology Foresight and Sport Organizations [10 hours]
CP7. (Some) Dimensions of sports organizations: power; authority; participation; organizational culture (sociological perspective).
CP8. The strategic analysis of organizations.
CP9. The stages of strategic planning with a view of the French School of Foresight: the system diagnostics, the strategy of actors, the scenarios (possible and desired) and organizational strategy in view of the French School of Foresight.

Teaching Methods

The process of teaching and learning will be organized based on theoretical-practical sessions. Sessions dynamic is expected to appeal to the exercises of analysis and discussion of texts and work done by students, individually or in small groups, from texts previously suggested and / or researched by (the) students. Besides the collective sessions students develop independent work, individually and in groups. It will use the Moodle platform to facilitate the sharing of educational resources and synchronous and asynchronous distance communication.
To be proposed evaluation, / a student / a must be present in at least 75% of the hours of legal contact.
The evaluation of the course takes continuous nature (see School Rules) and the result of two school works (in the form of critical review or position paper): Paper 1) focusing on the content of the modules 1 and 2; Work 2) focusing on module contents 3. Each work values, beyond the syllabus, the socio-emotional profile of the student (including attendance, participation in sessions, and the timeliness of completion of learning and assessment activities).
Students with worker-student status are not exempted from the realization of the work.
The final classification (CF) of the course is calculated as follows: CF = (T1x40%) + (T2x60%).