New Materials and Technologies

Name: New Materials and Technologies
Code: VIS14633M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Design

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The study of new material’s, technologies, and Manufacturing. Understand the factors related to new design solutions. Identify and evaluate new material’s sustainability within its application.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Provide students with knowledge enabling them to:
Identify new materials and technologies and understand the factors related to the implementation of
the new design solutions.
Understand the most important properties of new materials, techniques, production processes and
the cycle of life; understand the importance of product life cycle in new materials and in the
environment impact in innovation.
Know in what specific case the material must be used, what features it has and if it is appropriate to
the product.
Get skills of analysis and evaluation of new materials in order to propose sustainable alternatives with
better performance and durability.
Analyze and understand the use of new materials related to the different areas of the design.
Identify and evaluate the sustainable dimension of new materials and their application.


1. Materials
1.1 Composite materials
1.2. New plastics and bio plastics activators and regenerators, biodegradables
1.3 New glass and ceramics, applications
1.4 New metallic materials like mesh foam and sintering
1.5. New paper, binders, varnishes and coatings in the printing industry.
2. Technology
2.1 Processes and technologies applied to new materials
2.2 New applications for product and printing materials
3. Life cycle of new materials
3.1 Recycling processes
3.2 Recover, recycle and remanufactured
3.3 Life cycle of materials
3.4 Life cycle of a product
3.5 Dreadful conditions processes.

Teaching Methods

Lecturing methodology:
Audio visual presentation on different themes and contents,
Critical reviews on characteristics and usability of different materials and technologies,
Case studies presentations and real situation’s analysis,
Presentation and study of material samples, objects, and prototypes,
Lecturing on specific bibliographic references.
Continuous evaluation (50% weight in final grade) – Based on student’s attendance and participation, middle term exercises and final work intermediate situation points. Middle term evaluation calendar should be fixed within the presential classes’ first thirty days.
Final evaluation (50% weight in final grade) – The final evaluation is the result of acquired knowledge shown on each student’s final paper or papers considering the following criteria: A) Interest and theme framing (30%), B) Argument (30%), C) Accuracy and visual quality (20%).

Teaching Staff