Digital Representation IV

Name: Digital Representation IV
Code: ARQ02534I
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Architecture

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Investigate the relationship between material, technique and form within the context of the current cultural, economic and industrial landscape of mass customization:
1. Recognition of contemporary practices, which use CAD/CAM in their architectural process.
2. Introduction of the notion of I&D
3. Understand the praxis of the new media
4. Recognition of the different software platforms and their use in the architectural process
5. Develop computational skills related to the practice of Architectural Design using CAD/CAM


1. Technology and Architecture
2. Technology and Digital Architecture
3. Complexes Surfaces
4. Tectonics and Materiality
5. 3D modelling and NURBS
6. Planification of Surfaces
7. Parametric Design
8. Rapid Prototyping
9. Project
10. Fabrication

Teaching Methods

Each topic has a particular set of readings and fieldwork which includes site visits complement to the theoretical classes.
Two Prototyping Labs will be visited, EDPFAB LAB and INEGI.
Students have two practical assignments representing 40% and 60% of the final grade.

Teaching Staff