Mediterranean Silviculture

Name: Mediterranean Silviculture
Code: FIT13821L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Agronomy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Illustrate the importance of silviculture in terms of its impact on environment, landscape and economy
Show the silviculture solutions to the majority of Portugal’s sites and species
Show the importance of dendrometry and forest inventory in silviculture
Define solutions to sustained management of Mediterranean forest systems and its hazards (forest fire, lack of regeneration, excessive pasture, etc.).


From natural forests to silviculture: Forests and silviculture; Historical evolution of the Portuguese forest and silviculture

Sustainable silviculture: Forest sciences and silviculture; Forest ecosystem management strategies

Forests: Ecological dominance of trees: Concept of tree; Solar energy storage; Mineral nutrients: Store and recycle; Gymnosperms and angiosperms

Tree growth and forest productivity: Structure and operation of trees; Phenology of vegetative development; Reproduction of trees; The growth and biotic and abiotic factors, Forest site quality

Silviculture: methods and techniques: Silviculture in transition; Composition and structure of forest stands; Theory of regeneration cuts

Production regulation: The wood production process and the productive potential; Management of the settlements and the theory of the redistribution of productive potential; Production regulation.

The main forest production systems of Portugal

Teaching Methods

Home work: 4 hours/week (individual study and group practical works

1- Continuous evaluation regime: 2 written tests (F1 and F2), presentation of two practical work reports (T1 and T2)
Final classification=0,3 F1 + 0,3 F2 + 0,4 ((T1+T2)/2). Minimum classification per component is 10

2- Exam regime: 1 written exam (F), presentation of two practical work reports (T1 and T2)
Final classification=0,6 F + 0,4 ((T1+T2)/2). Minimum classification per component is 10