Information and Communication Technology in Educational Contexts

Name: Information and Communication Technology in Educational Contexts
Code: PED13930M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The curricular unit aims to provide students with knowledge and skills
related to the use of ICT in educational contexts.
Learning outcomes
It is capable of sustaining an updated, critical and well-founded view regarding the role of ICT in contexts
educational, formal and informal.
It is able to analyze the social and educational implications of the network society.
Is able to design programs and interventions using ICTs to be implemented in
formal and non-formal education contexts.
Selects and uses the appropriate tools and applications to support academic writing processes,
organization, productivity and project management in educational activities.
Plans actions, projects, experiences and activities for education and social development using resources
the tools and environments covered in the course.
Produces multimedia resources, according to the principles of correct use in contexts


1. ICT and Education in 21-st century: current trends and emergent technologies.
2. A networked society: social networking and new forms of sociability.
3. Digital platforms and environments for formal and non-formal educational contexts.
4. Educational programmes and project management through the use of ICT
5. Safety, protection and ethical issues in using ICT in educational contexts.

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodologies to be adopted combine concise oral expositions of the subjects, exploration
and debate around of multimedia resources with learning consolidation activities including reading texts
and discussion
In the practical component is adopted the exploration and oriented practice (individual or in peer) of the
computational tools in the areas mentioned in the contents of the course and design, presentation and
discussion of educational projects applying the environments and exploited technologies
The student's presence in 80% of classroom sessions is mandatory
Continuing evaluation
Written paper on a topic of the course(35%)
Educational, individually or in pairs project, using ICT(50%)
Examination regime
Students who take the examination regime referred into the Internal Regulation of the University must
demonstrate the adequate level of skills and knowledge acquired in this course through the realization of
an evaluation test
Evaluation Test(100%)