Phytosanitary Protection of Grapevine

Name: Phytosanitary Protection of Grapevine
Code: FIT13817M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Agronomy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Learn how to:
I) Observe and accurately describe symptoms on field plants;
II) Identify the main diseases, pests and weeds in vineyards;
III) Use officially issued documents about the main control methods;
IV) Evaluate the need for, the timing and type of intervention to minimize damages;
V) Apply control measures to protect the crop and the environment while providing the best/acceptable yield in accordance to the Integrated pest and Disease Management (IPM) concept.


1. Study of the main grapevine diseases due to fungi, bacteria, phytoplasm, virus and nematodes, their symptoms, biological cycle and control;
2. Study of the main pests due to insects and mites in grapes, their symptoms, biology, and control methods;
3. Study of the main weeds infesting grapeyards;
4. Integrated Pest Management fundamentals, and concepts. Risk assessment and of Economic injury level concepts. Available control methods;
to protect the grape crop against major enemies;
5 - Selection of pesticides in accordance to the integrated pest management concept.
6 - Practical application of acquired knowledge to a vineyard

Teaching Methods

The methodology of teaching followed in this teaching course will involve lectures, laboratory
and field classes, to be familiar with the diversity of organisms present and the critical observation of the sanitary status of the crop visited.
Lecture classes will make generous use of images (power points, videos) of diseased material, pests and weeds, affected plant organs.
There will be participative discussions on issues of particular interest. Students will be
encouraged to search for scientific information in trustable internet sites, databases (b-on) and
other sources. The student participation in classes will be considered in the final grade.

The continuous assessment consists of 2 written frequency tests with 50% each. Alternatively, a final exam can be chosen.