Biomarkers in Health and in Disease

Name: Biomarkers in Health and in Disease
Code: CMS14335L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Biomedical Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


This UC provides future graduates with an overview of the state of the art in the use of biomarkers and the importance they have achieved in clinical practice (including Personalized Medicine), in monitoring environmental influences on health and in research.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The CU is structured to provide an overview of the state of the art in the use of biomarkers and the importance they have achieved in clinical practice and research.
Once the UC is completed, the student must be able to:
- Define and classify biomarkers associated with normal physiological states and specific pathologies of each organ system;
- Describe the main technologies and methodologies used in the discovery, detection and validation of biomarkers;
- Elucidate the importance of using biomarkers in medicine and clinical research;
- Recognize the growing importance of environmental exposure biomarkers;
- List ethical and legislative considerations inherent to the approval and testing of biomarkers;
- Point out the future paths of biomarkers in the context of Personalized Medicine.


1 Introduction to Biomarkers
2 Technologies for Discovery of Biomarkers
3 Biomarkers and Molecular Diagnostics
4 Biomarkers for Drug Discovery and Development
5 Role of Biomarkers in Healthcare
6 Biomarkers in Metabolic Disorders
7 Biomarkers in Immune Disorders
8 Biomarkers of Musculoskeletal Disorders
9 Biomarkers of Infectious Diseases
10 Biomarkers of Genetic Disorders
11 Biomarkers of Aging
12 Nutritional Biomarkers
13 Biomarkers of Cancer
14 Biomarkers of Disorders of the Nervous System
15 Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Disorders
16 Biomarkers of Pulmonary Diseases
17 Biomarkers in Gynecology and Obstetrics
18 Biomarkers & Personalized Medicine
19 Biomarkers for Environmental Exposure
20 Biomarkers and Regulatory Issues
21 The Future of Biomarkers

Teaching Methods

The methodologies to be applied are intended above all to motivate the student to get involved in the learning process, while promoting their research and synthesis capacity.
Theoretical contents will be taught by oral presentation supported by audiovisual means and by conducting seminars on specific points of the syllabus. In the practical aspect, the student will be asked to carry out an individual work (in which he is challenged to develop an action plan for the discovery and/or validation of a biomarker), and the group resolution of issues/problems related to the theme.
The evaluation of the UC comprises 3 aspects of assessment: assessment of acquired knowledge and ability to integrate the information learned through a written test (two frequencies or exam = 70%), resolution of directed questions/problems (5%) and individual work (25%).