Principles of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Name: Principles of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Code: INF14386L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Informatics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This course offers a comprehensive overview of fundamental topics in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, both from a mathematical and computational perspective. Special emphasis is given to the basic classes of techniques and methods, the theoretical foundations of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. In this way, it provides an overview of several topics that will be covered in much more detail throughout the degree.


Introduction to Data Science
- Implementation of Data Science solutions, basic data analysis and visualization.
- Introduction of the Data Science process, and appropriate methodology.
- Examples of core Data Science methods with case studies such as in clustering, classification and regression.

Artificial Intelligence
- Introduction to classical AI and Machine Learning, including the relationship tor areas such as algorithms and optimization, and AI philosophy.
- Examples of methods and applications of AI, in classical AI (search and constraint satisfaction), and ML-based (search engines, naive Bayes and neural networks)

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodologies:

Theoretical classes; laboratory practical classes with problems that accompany the theoretical material.

Provision of exercises, of gradual difficulty, covering the topics taught, for students to practice mastery of the subject.



Continuous assessment - consisting of 2 components:
* two frequencies (40% each)
* project (20%)

Final assessment - consisting of 2 components:
* exam (80% each)
* project (20%)

The final grade is obtained through the weighted average of the 2 components. The student is approved if the final grade is equal to or greater than 10.