Machine Learning

Name: Machine Learning
Code: INF13203L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Informatics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

At the end of the course unit the student will:
* understand the fundamental concepts of machine learning
* know a wide range of machine learning approaches and algorithms, namely supervised learning
* understand the various stages in the construction of an intelligent system and what are the techniques that can be applied in each step (definition of the problem, feature extraction, creation of training, test and validation sets, algorithm application, performance evaluation)
* know how to design/program a machine learning system


Basic concepts
Machine Learning paradigms: supervised, unsupervised, re-inforcement learning
Supervised learning: classification and regression
Binary, multi-class and multi-label classification
Algorithms: logistic regression, perceptron, decision trees, rules, naive Bayes, support vector machines
ML practice: overfitting, bias/variance tradeoff, model selection (train/test, holdout, cross-validation), confusion matrix and evaluation metrics (accuracy, error, precision, recall, others)
Unsupervised learning: clustering
Algorithms: K-means, EM
Clustering evaluation measures
Introduction to ensemble methods

Teaching Methods

Theoretical classes; lab classes with problems that accompany the theoretical material.
Availability of exercises, of gradual difficulty, covering the topics taught, for students to practice mastery of the subject.


Continuous assessment:
theory: 50% - (i) two written frequencies (25% each)
labs: 50% - (iii) implementation assignment (25%) and (iv) ML challenge (25%)

Final assessment:
theory: 50% - (ii) final written exam (50%)
labs: 50% - (iii) implementation assignment (25%) and (iv) ML challenge (25%)

Teaching Staff