
Name: Databases
Code: INF13190L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Informatics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

As a result of learning in this course the student will acquire the following competencies:
- To draw the entity relationship model of a problem.
- From the entity relationship model obtain the relational database.
- Normalize a database in the relational model.
- Create and query a relational database using SQL in a database management system.


Introduction: Management System Database, Data Model, Databases Languages.

Entity Relationship Model (ER): Basic concepts (entity and relationship); Design of ER Model; mapping constraints; Keys, ER Diagram, Weak Entities; Extensions to the ER model; Reduction of an Model ER to table schema.

Relational Model: Structure of Relational Databases, Relational Algebra (operators), Relational Algebra Extensions. Modification of the Database.

Languages for database ​​manipulation (SQL): Basic structure and set of SQL operations, Aggregate Functions, Modification of the database and views, Data Definition Language (DDL).

Database Integrity: Domain Restrictions, referential integrity, assertions and triggers, functional dependencies.

Database Normalization: Functional dependencies, Boyce-Codd normal form and 3rd normal form.

Teaching Methods

The subjects are introduced in theoretical classes where some solutions are also analyzed for some types problems. In practical classes students solve the proposed exercises on paper or using a database management system.


Final evaluation
- 70% resulting from theoretical test
- 15% first practical assignments
- 15% seconde practical assignments

Continuous evaluation:
- 35% first test during the period
- 35% first test during the period
- 15% first practical assignments
- 15% seconde practical assignments