Methodologies and Tools in Human and Social Sciences

Name: Methodologies and Tools in Human and Social Sciences
Code: LLT14368M
Duration: 15 weeks/234 hours
Scientific Area: Linguistics

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This curricular unit (cu) aims to identify the essential methodological principles used in the elaboration of research work (quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods), inherent to the investigative process, from the formulation of questions and hypotheses to the writing of the final report of the research project, through the constitution of the sample and the choice of appropriate techniques and methods for the collection and processing of data. More specifically, this cu aims to provide the students/researchers with analytical, critical-thinking and decision-making skills, which are essential for the application of research methodologies based on scientific criteria and rigor. Thus, this cu hopes that the student/researchers will be able to: (1) become aware of the structure of the research work, and (2) characterize the research according to the objective and method(s) used in the collection and analysis of adequate data context and situation relevant to Language Sciences.


1. Introduction to research methods:
a. Purposes, characteristics and types of research
b. The research report: abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, research hypotheses & questions, results, data analysis & discussion, conclusion, limitations, future research, references, appendices
c. Developing ethical research standards
2. Identifying research hypotheses, purposes and questions
3. Research variables
4. Validity and reliability
5. Sampling, triangulation and piloting
6. Qualitative research design and data collection
a. Interviews, case studies, focus groups, ethnographies, observations, diaries/journals, documents
b. Analyzing qualitative data
7. Quantitative research design and data collection
a. Surveys/questionnaires, longitudinal studies, polls
b. Analyzing quantitative data
8. Mixed methods

Teaching Methods

This seminar has an expository approach as well as a practical application of the acquired knowledge, in order to facilitate the teaching-learning process. The assessment, formative and continuous, will be done through practical work along the semester (50%), and with the elaboration and final presentation of a written/oral research project (50%), which aims to apply the concepts acquired throughout the semester. The discussion of the research project will allow the development of future projects based on the exploration of the themes of the seminars of the second year of the course. According to the Academic Regulations of the University of Évora (RAUÉ), a final exam (100%) may also take place, as an alternative to the continuous assessment.

Teaching Staff