Communication techniques

Name: Communication techniques
Code: VIS13967D
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Education Sciences, Design, Linguistics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


The curricular unit aims to provide the students with tools that allow them to communicate effectively in non-formal contexts of their professional life.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

From the content point of view, the students should know:
a) the principles of an effective communication
b) the different types of oral and written communication and their norms
c) the principles of plain language in Portuguese
d) the principles of organization of oral and written communications
e) the principles of design of written communication
f) techniques for audience relationship, captivation and persuasion

From the competence point of view, the students must:
a) recognize the importance of adapting oral and written speech to different audiences and communication contexts
b) use plain language skills in oral and written communications
c) use the knowledge acquired in writing science texts for lay people, press releases, social media posts and emails
d) develop discursive skills
e) recognize the importance of nonverbal communication
f) use the knowledge acquired in science oral presentations, interviews and press conferences, debates and job interviews.


1. Communication:
- general concepts
- channels, codes, meanings and contexts
- noise and communication facilitators
- style
- verbal and nonverbal communication
- oral and written communication

2. Written communication:
- different types of writing: formal, informal, academic, literary, journalistic, technical, advertising; social media
- subjectivity vs objectivity
- techniques of plain language writing
- typography, layout and graphics
- non-formal science communication writing
- writing press releases
- writing emails
- writing on social media

3. Oral communication:
- different types of oral communication: informative and persuasive
- preparation of an oral presentation
- techniques for facing, captivating and persuading the audience
- the importance of storytelling
- the tone of voice
- nonverbal communication
- visual aids to oral communication - information design
- interviews and press conferences
- debates: the art of disagreeing and arguing
- job interviews

Teaching Methods

The curricular unit consists of 5 modules. Each module has a seminar for presentation of concepts and tools and one or more practical exercises in which students develop written texts and prepare oral presentations in different communication scenarios. Students’ work will be analyzed and evaluated as a group.
Continuous evaluation:
- practical exercises developed in (50%)
- final written work (25%)
- final oral presentation (25%) of which:
- self-assessment (20%)
- peer-assessment (20%)
- evaluation by the teacher (60%)

Teaching Staff