
Name: Programming
Code: INF14252M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Informatics

Teaching languages: Portuguese, English
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial



Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

When finishing the course the student should:
- acquire knowledge and skills of algorithmic thinking and programming
- master the use of languages directed for numerical computation and embedded systems programming
- be capable of developing software solutions
- develop competencies in teamwork for software development.


Introduction to the programming environment: concepts and tools
Variables, expressions, and statements
Defining and Using Functions
Control structures
Native data structures
Sequential data structures: lists, tuples, and strings
Associative data structures: dictionaries
Basics of input / output (I / O)
File manipulation
Graphic interface
Using library functions
Libraries with advanced functionality for scientific calculation
Programming tools for microcontrollers

Teaching Methods

Lectures and practical classes that follow the subjects taught in the lectures.
We provide a large set of exercises, covering the topics of the course and with increasing degree of difficulty, so that the students can practice their skills.


(i) 3 midterm written examinations (3x25%) or a final written examination (75%);
(ii) the development of a small programming project (25%).

Teaching Staff