Sales and Distribution

Name: Sales and Distribution
Code: GES12679M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Management

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

This curricular unit aims to provide students with:
- Ability to understand the importance of distribution and sales and identify their dynamics and strategies;
- Understand the role of distribution and sales in achieving Marketing objectives;
- Ability to analyze and propose solutions to problems faced by distribution companies or producers in their relationships with distributors;
- Ability to present work/case studies, analyze the evolution of the sector and its strategies and producer/distributor relationships and participate in collective discussion.


1. Distribution
1.1. Types of distribution
1.2. Functions in the distribution channel
1.3. Distribution channels: importance, structure and characteristics
1.4. Distribution channels distribution
1.5. Middle man relationships
2. The internationalization of Distribution
3. Retail Marketing
3.1. New ways of organizing distributors
3.2 Trade Marketing
3.3. ECR
4. Sales Management
5. Information Systems and Management of Distribution and Sales Networks

Teaching Methods

The teaching sessions are theoretical-practices, combine the deepening of theoretical knowledge,
methodological and empirical research and its application to concrete cases. The sessions include cases
discussion, elaboration and analysis of marketing ideas and distribution and sales strategies and, individual
works and papers presentation.


Assessment is carried out in two regimes: 1) Continuous assessment based on the results obtained in 3 elements: 2 individual practical assignments (20%), a scientific article analysis (20%) and a final written test (60% ); 2) Final assessment resulting from a written test (80%) and the delivery of 1 summary of a scientific article (20%).
The minimum grade for each assessment element is 7 points.

Teaching Staff