Ocean Energy

Name: Ocean Energy
Code: EME01809L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Electrotechnical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

To take advantage of the fundamental laws of the Physics to explain the properties and characteristics of flowing masses of water (oceans, seas, rivers). To understand the physical characteristics of these flowing masses of water. To study the different types of energy sources in the ocean. Learn about promising methodologies and technologies in the field of Ocean Energy.


The ocean as a physical system. Main mechanisms that force the ocean movements. Thermodynamic properties of the seawater. Ocean dynamics. Ocean hydrokinetic energy conversion. Ocean hydro-potential energy conversion. Ocean thermal gradient energy conversion. Ocean salinity gradient energy conversion. Other forms: deuterium and nuclear fusion; near and offshore wind energy conversion.

Teaching Methods

Lecture, practical and workshop. Assessment is performed with three examinations, weekly homework assignments, individual projects, group projects, weekly quizzes and laboratory experiments.


The final mark (FM) is obtained from the following equation 

FM= 0,4 group and individual research projects  +  0,5  examinations +  0,1 oral presentations 

Recommended Reading

Brown, W. C. An Introduction to the World's Oceans, A.C.Duxbury and A.B.Duxbury Publisliers, 1997.

Charlier, R. H., Finkl, C. W.  Ocean Energy: Tide and Tidal Power, Springer  2009

Cruz. J., Ocean Wave Energy: Current Status and Future Perspectives, Springer, 2010

Falnes, J. Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2005

Miguel, A.F., Aydin, M., Ocean exergy and energy conversion systems. International Journal of Exergy  10, 454-470, 2012

Miguel, A. F. , Aydin, M. Ocean energy: analysis and conversion. Proceedings of the Global Conference on Global Warming 2011; Lisbon, Portugal, 2011

Stewart,  R. H. Introduction to Physical Oceanography, 2005. (e-book)

White, F.M., Mecânica de Fluidos. Mc Graw Hill, 2006

Teaching Staff