Evaluation of the state of surface freshwaters

Name: Evaluation of the state of surface freshwaters
Code: BIO10365M
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Biological Sciences

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: B-learning


It is intended to deepen the knowledge and understanding of the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems through the definition of concepts and description of processes for learning directed towards applied interventions related to the sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

1. To supply an integrated view of aquatic systems in its interconnection with the involving terrestrial ecosystem. Structure and function of freshwater ecosystems (running waters; standing waters; wetland).
2. Ecological quality of superficial water bodies. Biological reply to human disturbances
3. Integrating ecology assessment with basin management. Identify problems and find solutions.
4. At communication level it is objective that students acquire capacities to present scientific results (oral presentations, posters, report and scientific papers). This objective is transversal to all the others.


1. Freshwater ecosystems: diversity at a global scale (Definition of inland water ecosystems; Climate, hydrology and spatial and temporal scales; Components of the hydrological regime; Physical, chemical and biological processes; Links at river basin scale; Hydrographic network, river basins and hydrographic regions in Portugal (regional scale))
2. Lentic ecosystems (Physical-chemical and biological processes)
3. Lotic ecosystems (Physical-chemical and biological processes)
4. Biological indicators (Natural disturbances versus anthropogenic disturbances; European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD))
5. Ecosystem Services (Commitment, synergy and disservice; biodiversity; Valorization and benefits of Ecosystem Services; involvement and perception of social actors)
6. Ecological Conservation and Restoration (Dimensions of restoration; uncertainty, challenges/opportunities, success; Public perception of river restoration; Naturally Based Solutions

Teaching Methods

Teaching methodologies: exposure of basic knowledge and case studies; discussion of concrete cases/ intervention proposals; seminars with national and international experts; field outputs.
Evaluation: continuous or final exam
The continuous evaluation includes: a theoretical component; and a practical component. Evaluation of the theoretical component: 2 tests of 1.30h at the middle and end of the semester.
Attendance to practical classes is mandatory and is obtained by attending 2/3 of the classes, with the tasks stated in the protocols being carried out, regardless of the evaluation regime. This will focus on group work.
Final approval: average of the result obtained in the theoretical component and practical component, with weighting factors of 60% and 40%.
Evaluation system by final exam: a single test of 1.30h that will cover the entire Curriculum Program of theoretical classes.
To pass the UC, the grade obtained by students must be equal or higher than 9,5.

Teaching Staff