Research Methods II

Name: Research Methods II
Code: ECN12558D
Duration: 15 weeks/234 hours
Scientific Area: Economy

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals


It is intended that the students get appropriate formation in sampling distribution theory, estimation and inference analysis. The course gives special emphasis to the estimation and analysis of econometric models.


• capacity to create and solve statistical problems
• Capacity to select and apply appropriate techniques to solve problems.
• capacity to perform research and to interpret statistical and econometric outputs
• To develop logical and critical reason
• Team work and communication.
• Computing skills and knowledge of econometric software.


1. Sampling methods
2. Estimation and statistical inference
3. Linear Regression Model: estimation; specification, models with qualitative explanatory variables; endogeneity.
4. Discrete and limited variable models.
5. Introduction to time series models.
6. Introduction to panel data models
7. Introduction to Structural equation modeling

Teaching Methods

Small group classes where theoretical contents are supplemented by exercise lectures and computer exercises. Real economic data is employed on solving the computer exercises using adequate software. Use the e-learning platform to establish a larger contact and interactivity with the students.


Three empirical small group projects plus a final individual (open book) written examination.