Introduction to Scientific Research in Geology

Name: Introduction to Scientific Research in Geology
Code: GEO13461M
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Geology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

- Understand the fundamental problems of science;
- Deepen the ability to analyze scientific articles;
- Develop the competence to conduct a scientific research project;
- Train to How to transfer scientific knowledge;
- Interiorize ethics and good practices in research and publication;
- Knowledge about new research methodologies in Geology; Technology and 21st century challenges.
- Recognize the contribution of Geology for the goals of sustainable development.


- Bibliographic search: evaluate the credibility of bibliographical sources, databases construction;
- Research work plan – timetables. The ethical aspects of conducting scientific research.
- The object of research in Geology. History of science in Geology. The roll of Geology in the new societal challenges for 21st century.
- Research funding: cost / benefit (budgets), sources of funding, partnerships;
- Data analyses in Geology: diversity, multidimensionality, correlation, randomness, uncertainty, and temporal and spatial inhomogeneity. New information technology in Geology (e.g. Big data processing);
- Laboratory facilities and emerging issues in field of new technologies;
- Ethical aspects related to the elaboration of scientific articles in peer review journals;
- Critical analysis of a scientific text.
- Transmission of scientific knowledge: abstract, article, poster and oral presentation.

Teaching Methods

This unit develops a teaching/learning aproach through lectures, discussions, readings and the work produced individually by the students.
The evaluation will be based on the measurement of the acquisition and understanding of the knowledge as well on the measurement of developed skills, namely through:
- Writing an abstract (one page);
- Outline of a poster;
- Review of an abstract and a poster of a colleague; Colleagues should review the abstracts and the poster;
- Writing the review of an article in a topic that is relevant to the thesis to be developed.

Teaching Staff