Quantitative Analysis Laboratory

Name: Quantitative Analysis Laboratory
Code: SOC02409L
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Sociology

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

It is intended with this course provide students with the theoretical and practical foundations necessary for the treatment and quantitative analysis of data. We should develop in student?s skills in the context of processing, analysis and interpretation of data on social phenomena with the help of SPSS software.


Module 1-The quantitative techniques in SC
1.1 Preliminary considerations on the quant data
1.1.1 The relationship between the quant and qual in SC
1.1.2 The role of statistical tech, concepts and theories in the quant analysis of social phenomena
1.1.3 Variables, pop and samples
1.1.4 The problem of data quality and its maintenance and manipulation
1.1.5 Introd to descriptive statistics and inferential statistics
Module 2-The quant approach to info
2.1 Descriptive analysis of information
2.1.1 Frequency tables
2.1.2 Location measures
2.1.3 Spread measures
2.2 Exploration of differences between variables
2.2.1 Criteria for the selection of tests
2.2.2 Parametric and nonparametric tests
2.3 Study of ass and dependence between variables
2.3.1 Contingency tables and chi-square
2.3.2 Correlations and other measures of association
2.3.3 Regression
2.3.4 Analysis of variance and covariance
Module 3-Introd to multivariate analysis
3.1 Factor Analysis
3.2 Cluster analysis

Teaching Methods

The UC will be taught in form of theoretical/practical classes. Class attendance is controles, so the presence is obligatory according the internal Rulement. The student can opt for the frequency regimen or a final exam. Frequency regimen: the evaluation consist of 2 frequencies; elaboration, of practical works for the application of acquired knowledge and other elements of evaluation (attendance, participation, initiative, ...). For assignment of the final grade each frequency will count for 35% of the note; all other elements of evaluation (individual and group work, attendance, participation ...) will have 30%. However,to obtain approval students must have a positive mean (10 values) for the aggregate of all frequencies and no one less than 8 values.
Final Exam: evaluation will consist in the exam. To obtain approval the student must gets at least 10 values. All kind of students who choose the Final Examen shall also perform all other practical work