Portuguese Language A1

Name: Portuguese Language A1
Code: LLT13132O
Duration: 15 weeks/156 hours
Scientific Area: Linguistics

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial


Portuguese Language A1 is a subject for students in mobility In and International students that are studying at the University of Évora.

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

General objectives
1.1. To develop the ability to understand oral discourse;
1.2. To develop the ability to understand written text;
1.3. To learn how to communicate in different social contexts;
1.4. To know how to use words and structures that are adequate to the communicative context;
1.5. To practice basic structures of the Portuguese language.


1. Grammatical Contents
Affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences.
Definite and indefinite articles.
Numerals. Adjective and substantive concordance.
Feminine and plural (general rules)
Irregular and irregular verbs - present
Differences between “ser” and “estar”
Irregular and regular verbs – past simple.
Complex verb constructions: “estar a” + infinitive; “ir” + infinitive; “haver de” + infinitive.
Prepositions – movement, place and time.
Pronouns – personal, possessives, demonstratives, interrogatives and indefinites.
Adverbs – place and quantity
The verb “haver”.
The verbal form “hᔠwith a temporal meaning – “desde”.
Reflexive pronominal conjugation
Personal pronouns and its collocation.
2. Lexical contents
— Introducing yourself; Nationalities/Countries; Jobs; Greetings; Formal and Informal greetings; Family; Colours; Hours; Meals; Daily routines; House; Week days, months and seasons; Holidays; Shopping; Clothes; Hobbies

Teaching Methods

The teaching methodologies adopted consist of teaching sessions, aimed at the theoretical exposition of course contents and at a critical approach to the language, in which students are encouraged to participate actively.
As far as continuous evaluation is concerned, the following parameters will be taken into account: attendance to class; participation and homework; an oral examination; a written exam.
Students can also choose to take a final exam: an oral examination (40%) and a written exam (60%). The minimum grade for both is 8.