Technical Drawing II

Name: Technical Drawing II
Code: VIS12868L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Design

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

The context of the curricular unity is to introduce and create through drawing, the ability to project within the students.
Based on abstract models it is aimed to develop the student understanding in what regards to reading of real space:
Analysis of Space.
Seizure of Space.
Space Devised.
Characterise a method in projection and identify its useful dimension in the arts.
Provide skill, by training the students in the use of a method. Exploring and developing specifically with
focus on the conceptual aspects of concrete execution and representation.
It is intended that students acquire a working method suitable for their production and their
individuality, namely:
Be able to project.
Be able to consistently self-criticise, as condition for the qualification of their work. Be able to communicate representing adequately their proposals and intentions. Be able to realize your ideas, shaping them consistently.
Be disciplined to operate with the dream, think and do.


The urban structure and its understanding.
Spatial organization of the construction.
Values that characterize the qualification of urban and construction.
Project Method.
Fiction / Validation Communication
Analysis of Results
General coordination. Management.
Basic legal framework. Project elements and phases. Speciality projects.
Procedural drawing
This type of drawing is a mean for action.
Mediation of physical representation in the invention.
Representation that circumscribes within itself tension-generating invention. Representation and shaping of "things" that induce an aesthetic experience. Virtual and physical representation as procedural concepts:
Natural Size.

Teaching Methods

The classes will be build on an interactive and exhibitive model promoting the sharing and discussion of theoretical and practical knowledge through the use of audiovisual means and technical support manuals.
The interim evaluation of student performance will be based on the analysis of exercises in which his acquired knowledge will be applied.
The final assessment is based on the analysis of final results of the work developed and presented by the student.
Attendance: 10%
Intermediate Evaluation: 50%
Final Evaluation: 40%.

Teaching Staff