Illustration II

Name: Illustration II
Code: VIS12790L
Duration: 15 weeks/78 hours
Scientific Area: Arte Multimédia, Artes Plásticas

Teaching languages: Portuguese
Languages of tutoring support: Portuguese, English
Regime de Frequência: Presencial

Sustainable Development Goals

Learning Goals

Supply progressive knowledge about Illustration in its variants and techniques. Continuity on the development
of an individualized expression. Inform in knowledge of illustration and traditional and digital edition. Promote
skills to enter professional sectors such as publishing, media (television and video, newspapers, magazines),
games and toys industries, museums, theater and cinema, computer science, tattooing, marketing and
advertising, among others. Qualitatively provide the student with the development of a successful career as a
specialist in visual information.


Increased developmental illustrative exercises of a text, story or theme for the purpose of producing a small
illustrated book or essay. Planning, illustration and pagination with attention to calligraphy, narrative, dimensions,
cover, back cover and target audience.

Teaching Methods

The classes will consist of practical exercises of illustrations realized in parallel with the knowledge and examples
provided. Throughout the exercises there will be regular monitoring by the teachers. For a sufficiently deep
knowledge and practice in the different techniques, the student will be referred to the practical realization, to
deepen a technique in the research and correct production of final practical work. The theoretical / practical
classes are complemented with images, references and individual research.
The evaluation consists of a set of parameters related to the work performed, attendance, motivation and performance,
as well as its evolution, taking into account the level of technique, conceptual autonomy and creativity
of the student. During the semester there will be continuous evaluation tests and a final evaluation. In the
final evaluation the students are evaluated by a jury composed by the teacher of the course and other teachers
of the course, who will appreciate the work developed globally and assign a final quantitative classification.

Standard Season (Continuous Assessment + Final Assessment)
Continuous Assessment (60%)
• 50% attendance
• 50% exercises made by the student on different small circuits (made during class)
Final Assessment (40%)
• Jury evaluation.

Teaching Staff